Vibrio is the fastest growing food born bacterial infection affecting people in the U.S.

Vibrio's Impact on the U.S.

From 1996 to 2010 there has been a dramatic rise in Vibrio! This food born illness increased by 115%. In 2008 it was reported that there were 102 cases of this illness in California. In a close second it was Texas with 56. This is more than most 'major food-born illnesses'. This disease is common in oysters and shellfish. However, when times seem bleak, we have a solution for this growing issue. This solution is irradiation and it can also be solved by educating the general public.

VibrioIs a food-born illness, commonly found in shellfish.
Irradiation- Is the process of exposing food to ionizing radiation to destroy micro organisms, bacteria, viruses, or insects that might be present in the food.

Vibrio 101

Vibrio are pathogens found in brackish waters from which molluscan shellfish are harvested and can cause disease to consumers. Molluscan Shellfish include:

  • Oysters
  • Clams
  • Mussels
  • Scallops

Where does vibrio come from?

Usually vibrio infections occur from eating shellfish or cuts exposed to seawater. Most vibrio cases are reported grom the Gulf Coast states. The bacteria usually grows in warm costal waters during the summer months. Since it is naturally occurring in warm seawater a cut exposed to it can be infected.

Symptoms of Vibrio

There are many symptoms of Vibrio. These symptoms include:
  • watery diarrhea 
  • abdominal cramping 
  • nausea 
  • vomiting 
  • fever and chills
These symptoms can last for up to three days. In a few cases they can be fata fo immuno-challenged individuals.

Solutions for Reducing Vibrio Occurances


  • Irradiation doesn’t make food radioactive 
  • Cobalt 60 source is very expensive 
  • Food texture, color and taste can slightly change 
  • Very effective at killing Vibrio bacteria

Education for consumers & food industry thru the U.S. Gov

  • About Vibrio bacteria & where it comes from 
  • Prevention of Vibrio infection 
  • The Vibrio incidence increase in the U.S. 
  • For safer options provide cooked oyster recipes for restaurants & chefs 
  • Use webpages, social media, TV, and written material

Irradiation and Its Insights

Irradiation is exposing food to Cobalt 60 sources.  A Cobalt 60 source is an element created by scientists. This means that it is produced artificially and is not found in nature. Coincidentally exposing food to cobalt 60 kills living vibrio and does not make the food radioactive.

Is Food Irradiation Safe?

More than 40 years of scientific research show food irradiation is perfectly safe. The radiation kills the bacteria but does not touch the food directly. Irradiated food is not radioactive.

How is Food Irradiated?

The food passes through a radiation chamber on a conveyor belt. The food does not touch the radioactive materials, but passes through a radiation beam, similar to a flashlight beam. To determine the dose of radiation a food gets, it is determined by the type of food. To change the amount of radiation the converter belt travels slower or faster to get more or less radiation.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

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